Social Exclusion Can Be Cured - Turkey

Teacher and Parent Opinions

Within the scope of the project prepared by our school, mobilities in different countries had very positive effects on my student Halil Acar. Halil's self-confidence increased. The sense of responsibility has improved. After his return, his morale became very high due to the interest shown. He learned new words in English and used this words  in communication with school teachers.

Seringül DUMAN
12-A Class Teacher

This project experience made positive contributions to my student.  Also,I have observed this contributions from Özge Arslan's body language, gestures and facial expressions. Her awareness has increased.  Meeting with new people, seeing different places,taking responsibility also contributed greatly to the  her social development. This project also developed her independent living skills, her self-confidence.

Sümeyya DOĞAN
8-A Class Teacher

After the Romania mobility, my student Yasin Keskin's communication became more healthy and active with his  friends. Yasin uses sentences composed of two words in communication. I observed that he was trying to tell his friends about his experiences there.

10-A Class Teacher

Fatih, my only son with down syndrome…Together with these project works, Fatih's behavior towards people around him changed. He began to move more affectionately. The consciousness of behavior in a society increased. I'm happy to see he participate in different demonstrations with the project, being socially active there and seeing that he was happy.

The mother of student

With the project, my student's desire to participate in social activities increased. Our social inclusion project has created many positive changes in my student. For example, Fatih's problem behavior decreased and environmental consciousness improved.

Nurşen YAMAN
7-A Sınıf Öğretmeni

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