Social Exclusion Can Be Cured - Turkey

Romania Mobility

Second LTTA/Learning-Teaching-Training-Activities of the Erasmus+Programme “Social Exclusion Can Be Cured!” was performed in LICEUL TEORETIC,,LASCAR ROSETTI'', Iash, Romania  on 22-28 April 2018. The subtopic of the meeting,in accordance to the project, was “Team Teaching”.

The Romanian school organized workshops about with Team Teaching . The school had drama club where students created most of the scenery by themselves. Guest students joined the activities of the club. Each country exhibited its own local dances.

Furthermore, the school prepared musical activities which were done together with the guest students.  The students presented the videos,documents about their cities, countries .  Also, they took an active part in regular school programme observing the classes, joining some of the classroom activities and sports games.

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